Chinook Breed Standards and Statements
about Breed Type
Harness and Pack by Arthur T Walden, 1935, page 166: "Chinook was a large tawny yellow dog, a half-bred Eskimo, with dark ears and muzzle."
"Wonalancet Hubbard Kennels, Arthur Walden (1 B.A.E.) Director, Julia P Lombard, Breeder"
"As is necessary in establishing a breed of dogs, definite standards of color, height, weight, etc. were made until to-day the Pure-Bred Chinook Dog is a large dog averaging 90 to 110 pounds with two color phases: the standard a light fawn, the other very rare, a dark fawn."
"Wonalancet Hubbard Kennels, Arthur Walden (1 B.A.E.) Director, Julia P Lombard, Breeder"
"As is necessary in establishing a breed of dogs, definite standards of color, height, weight, etc. were made until to-day the Pure-Bred Chinook Dog is a large dog averaging 90 to 110 pounds with two color phases: the standard a light fawn, the other very rare, a dark fawn."
Julia Lombard Breed Description - 1930's
1940 Contract Provision of Sale of Chinook Kennels to Perry Greene by Julia Lombard
Perry Greene bought the Chinooks from Old Mother Hubbard, a condition of the bill of sale was the following: "You (Perry Greene) agree to maintain the standards of the breeding as established by Mrs. Lombard and to sell only male and spayed female dogs and puppies. Line 3: "You agree not to make any out-crosses without the express and written permission of Mrs. Julia P. Lombard."
Perry Greene bought the Chinooks from Old Mother Hubbard, a condition of the bill of sale was the following: "You (Perry Greene) agree to maintain the standards of the breeding as established by Mrs. Lombard and to sell only male and spayed female dogs and puppies. Line 3: "You agree not to make any out-crosses without the express and written permission of Mrs. Julia P. Lombard."
Perry Greene Kennel Newsletter dated July 1961: Two White Chinook Puppies Born at Greene's Kennel: "two snow white Chinook puppies .. they are the first "sports" born in at least 22 years Mr. Greene has been breeding Chinooks. The usual color is tawny and said that he had no knowledge of any others having been born....Mr. Greene reported that there have been puppies born at the kennel of light shades, but never snow white."
"Sukee Kennels – Home of the Chinooks"
“A Chinook has a thick tawny coat with a furry arched tail. They weigh between 65 and 85 pounds, smaller than when they were worked regularly as sled dogs. They have wide shoulders and a thick ruff. Most have very dark muzzles, black noses, dark brown eyes and alert ears. Their lifespan is between 10 and 17 years.”
“A Chinook has a thick tawny coat with a furry arched tail. They weigh between 65 and 85 pounds, smaller than when they were worked regularly as sled dogs. They have wide shoulders and a thick ruff. Most have very dark muzzles, black noses, dark brown eyes and alert ears. Their lifespan is between 10 and 17 years.”